HTC is a brand associated with several amazing Android based devices. But they haven’t forgotten the Windows platform.

The latest from the house of the Taiwanese major also comes with the Windows Phone 7 OS. We are talking about the HTC Titan. Arriving with many expectations, it certainly is a great device to flaunt.

First, the size is big. And with 160 grams of weight, it isn’t light weight too. Although, we do have to agree that it is a beautiful device.

The screen is huge at 4.7’’. HTC claims it to be the biggest as per the standards of WP7 phone goes. Well, we have to agree to that! The touch screen is also great, which although isn’t the best, but good enough to live with.

The search for micro SD card slot is useless; it does not offer this option. The internal memory is of 16 GB; but the real memory space will be less, thanks to the OS eating the share of the memory. For some this isn’t enough. HTC phones should be more careful next time.

In the WP7 segment, it has no major competition, which will help its position in the market.

The operating system is certainly unique. Even multitasking is possible, which was not possible on the earlier WP operating system.

This phone comes with Internet explorer, specially developed for this OS. The display of web pages seems beautiful. HTC Titan deals are offered by many of the leading service providers in the UK mobile phone market.

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