Samsung – we are extremely glad to crow the new king of the smartphone industry. The journey is surprisingly not too long, and the path was brimmed with obstacles ready to overthrow the South Korean major. Alas, we will miss the last ruler Apple who was overthrown by the coup leaded by the electronics giant, Samsung. The result is a new law and order in the market, and we are still to settle down with the new and somewhat disturbing circumstances.   Well, we breathe in the fresh air infused by the death of the supremacy of iPhone, and the rise of the Samsung Galaxy Note and Galaxy Nexus.

May be we should retire and leave the market, but we can’t leave you guys alone. Sorry for the melodrama, but the reality is indigestible to some Apple fans like us. Even the comparison now bends to Samsung Galaxy Note deals Vs Samsung Galaxy Nexus deals. 

Samsung Galaxy Nexus undoubtedly leads the pack, donning the Ice Cream Sandwich operating system, while the snapper creates a peculiar condition. On a large screen the result is below par, but we don’t make a poster out of every image we click. With the sound of war between every mobile maker, the reality is always unheard.

The next candidate for the interview seems like a new product that is output of an experiment (we however didn’t heard any blast). This product seems like a mishmash of tablet and a smartphone’s features. Well, instead of getting two souls, we got a corpse. Its huge size attracts attention, but not practicality.  But, we bow our heads down (not literally) to the power it carries. This dual core–powered sumo is, however, slower than the Nexus.

Samsung Galaxy Note deals Vs Samsung Galaxy Nexus deals show one thing for sure, and that is the zeal and the arrogance of Samsung, which is good for the industry in the long run. Even though, we coldly despised the Note, we loved the idea and hope that next time we will be forced by the South Korean major to love their device.

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