_Some of the latest reports have been affirmed detailing of the release date & the design of the upcoming iPhone 5. Apple’s iPhone 5 will release in autumn next year, which interestingly is the same time when the iPhone 4S was launched this year. This disagrees with previous reports that a new Apple iPhone might release this spring.

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The rumors are also suggesting that Apple will be utilizing a plastic or rubber stuff for the bezel, layering the new antenna that will yet again surround the handset; however it will be without any intervention from the owner’s hand. It will also let the Cupertino based mobile manufacturer to utilize an innovative aluminum rear plate, however it will lack the plastic inserts on the rear plate, similar to the one seen in the iPad & iPod touch.

Some reports are indicating that the new handset may utilize a 4 inch screen, though this is just another rumor in the series of rumors surrounding the iPhone 5. It’s worth remembering that other rumors have specified that the iPhone 5 model with a bigger display & an innovative lay out were initially intended for the 2011 release, but that the handset was delayed in favor of the iPhone 4S. There were possibly some more concerns about the fragmentation of the iOS, as the new handset would have pioneered a better screen resolution that iOS developers would have to focus for. Obviously, they were not ready for this change.

It’s also anticipated that Apple may include LTE in their next offering, as new LTE chipsets with superior battery life become accessible next year.

Source: http://www.knowmobile.co.uk/upcoming-iphone-possible-details-surfaces/

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